Computer Network What is Bus (Linear) Topology in Network? Diagram, Advantages, disadvantages, Use

What is Bus (Linear) Topology in Network? Diagram, Advantages, disadvantages, Use

Bus Topology Definition: A bus topology has another name the “Linear Topology“, and it is using in the Local Area Network. In bus topology network, all devices (Computers, printers etc.) link with using one backbone wire like as coaxial cable, RJ-45, STP or UTP.

In bus topology, data flows with bidirectional (both side). If, sometime backbone wire gets damage then whole network will be halt. It is main drawback of this topology.

Bus Topology

In computer network, several computers allow to attach with each other through communication medium (Wired or wireless). These linked computers over the network are called “Nodes”. These computers which linked in the network can share different resources like as files, printers, FAX machine etc.

Bus Topology is also using in the computer networks, in which all computers are linked to each other through one cable. This cable is known as “Backbone of Network”. Mostly Ethernet cable implements to connect multiple nodes in the Bus Topology. In Bus Topology, all information passes from first node to last node over the network.

There are various benefits of bus topology in network such as –

  • Easy to make connection with other devices of network such as hub, switch, router etc.
  • Easy to scale up
  • It is more comfortable for a small region.
  • Less expensive to other computer network
  • It needs less cable (wire) compare to other network topology.
  • Both cable of Internet and electricity can be passing together.
  • No need of hubs and switches.
  • Easy to make extension in the network, For example – Connecting LAN cable with repeater or connectors, extra computers or other terminal can also add in the bus topology.
  • It’s speed of sending and receiving data higher to other typologies.
  • No need to power for wiring terminators.
  • Easy to troubleshoot to bus topology
  • If sometime any terminal gets failure, then other network will not effect.
  • Easy to identify its issues then these issues can easily fixe.

Here, some drawbacks of bus topology in network, such as –

  • Limited to only small region.
  • Bus topology depend on the main cable, if sometime it gets damage then entire LAN network will destroy.
  • Data collisions rate higher to other topologies.
  • It gets degrade the performance due to overload of transferring data. If multiple computers or another terminals link with one main cable of linear topology system.
  • Less security risk because in this network every client have authority to see all data which are flowing on the local network.
  • Need terminators at both side edges of backbone cable.
  • Getting more challenges to identify the issue, if whole network gets fail
  • It can’t be also using as stand-alone solution.
  • Computers are not able to regain the signals, so you can also call it as “Passive Topology”.
  • Signals get damage due to long distance.
  • Need much space.
  • One information can send at once
  • Need much maintenance.

Bus topology also uses in different applications in real life such as –

Let’s example, you have three story building and you need to make landline connection on each floor. Then you have two options, first is apply three landline connections. But this way is more expensive because in which to need separate configuration setup for every landline connection.

Second way is to use bus topology system; it means each floor’s telephone is connected to main landline cable through telephone sockets. 

Ethernet network is best alternative to LAN network, and it has high speed (10 million bits per second) to transmit and receive data compare to Local Area Network (LAN).

Various I/O devices such as (printers, FAX machine, scanner etc.) can be attaching in office with using of bus topology network.

With the help of “Barrel of Tip” connector, can be connected two small part of cable, and expand the cable.

“Repeater” device also helps to connect two cables, and it increases the signal to reach its target node.

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